This is how I feel right now. Waiting for the antibiotics to take effect. Light posting until the swelling and throbbing subside.
A guy with a toothache goes to see his dentist. After examining the tooth, the dentist tells the patient he is going to have to give him an injection for the pain. The patient says, "No way! I don't want an injection." The dentist replies, "OK, I'll give you gas." "Noooo!" shrieks the patient. "I don't want any gas." "Fine," says the dentist, "I'm going to give you some Viagra!" "Viagra?" exclaims the patient. "What for?" To which the dentist replies, "You're going to need something to hang on to when I pull your tooth!"
Wish you get better soon!
Thanks Anarco
ouch... sorry to hear about that. Hope it's resolved quickly.
Dude - that sucks. I am the biggest weenie when it comes to any tooth problems. I hope you get better really fast and soon.
Thanks guys, the antibiotics are starting to kick in. Hopefully, the worst is over.
oh man, that sucks. hope you feel better. reminds me of when i had my jaw broken -- needed to have it wired shut for a month. endless amount of jokes from friends and family, in addition to a good bit of pain.
but what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. that adage applies to both bear markets and dental treatment!
Hey Simit,
The broken jaw sounds exponentially worse than my toothache. But I agree that the suffering makes us stronger.
My big problem is that I'm allergic to sulfites which is a preservative used in dental anesthetics. Not looking forward to my dentist appointment tomorrow.
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